Global Family of Events

Just like Anuga, all ANUFOOD food shows have adapted the “10 in 1 trade show” concept dedicating exhibit zones or halls to 10 major industry segments.

ANUFOOD connects qualified food buyers, importers and distributors to retail, wholesale and foodservice with international food producers and exporters in their respective geographical regions.

anufood China

ANUFOOD China takes place every April in Shenzhen and connects international exhibitors with buyers from Southern China, the newest and fastest growing food hub in China

anufood Brazil

ANUFOOD takes place every year in Sao Paulo and is known as Brazils only trade show covering the entire food industry and sales channels: retail, wholesale and HORECA matching Brazilian buyers with international and domestic food manufacturers.

anufood India

ANUFOOD India takes place in India’s business and food capital, Mumbai. It attracts international food exporters to India’s top hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty market buyers.

Interested? We offer North American exhibit options at all ANUFOOD events

Pavilions with eye-catching USA, Canadian, or Mexican country branding; ready-to-move-in pavilion booths packages; internet; and exhibitor café’ at selective events.

Turnkey solutions with ready-to-move-in booths.

Custom-tailored designs for larger spaces.

We are your North American contact. Call us for a better understanding of show logistics, exhibitor manuals, best practices for booth displays, and assistance with travel and freight forwarding.

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

8770 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue
Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 6061

Give us a ring


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